Friday, March 22, 2013

Allan Gardens Conservatory

Burro's Tail, in flower!
     Last night, I stayed in Toronto for my book club and on the way over to the host's house, I stopped in at the Conservatory in Allan Gardens for a breath of fresh air.  If you have never been, I would recommend you stop by some time and check what's going on here:  They had a display of Hydrangeas, but I went straight to the cactus room, to check out the various cacti and succulents.

     Many are planted in the ground in raised beds, but there are also some interesting ones in hanging planters.  I love how architectural they look and am always amazed at the varying shapes, sizes and colours.  I also, to my delight, found examples of succulents that I have bought over the years, WITH name tags, so now I know what they are: Crassula rupestris, Hatoria salicornoides or Senecio serpens anyone?

     There were so many plants that I would love to have cuttings of, and I did ask one of the workers there if they ever have plant sales, but it seems you have to be part of an organization to have access to any parts of the plants.  A good thing really, or there wouldn't be anything left there for anyone to look at and enjoy, especially when it doesn't look like winter is leaving us any day soon!