Sunday, June 02, 2013

Peonies Envy

Erect Asian Lilly
     Well, the garden is simply bursting with life these days due to all of the rain alternating with the hot, sunny days.  So much has already come and gone, but there is still a lot to look forward to.  Checking out some of the taller, more interesting plants, I couldn't help but notice that there's something quite phallic afoot in the back yard.

Almost Bursting Fox Tail Lilly
     I can't believe how many flowers start off as thick, bulbous protrusions at the end of long, erect stems!  Just like something else, they come in different shapes and sizes and all end with a magnificent display of....

     ...flowering.  What did you think I was gonna say?  It's kind of like a porno in the back yard right now, but soon they will come and go (no pun intended) and we will be anticipating what's next.

Nectaroscordums opening up
Garlic Scapes
Unopened Alliums


  1. Honestly this post is like a porno. Were you into the mojitos yesterday afternoon?

  2. I WISH I was into the Mojitos yesterday! Instead CC and I were slaving away in the garden: weeding, transplanting and planting yet more perennials, after a quick trip to Belgian Nurseries.
