Saturday, January 18, 2014

Views from Work

     I live in G-Town and commute, via "Skinny-Dog", to Hogtown.  I take the 5:30 a.m. in, and am usually up on the 19th floor of work by 7.  During this time of year, I beat the sunrise (and everyone else on the floor it seems).  So, while I'm sipping my morning tea or coffee, I take the opportunity to watch the sun come up over the lake and city.

     It's amazing how quickly the colours change and give off some much-needed warmth in this particularly-cold winter.

     By the afternoon, the sun is well over to the west, and makes the distant urbanity seem minuscule and ghost-like.

     It's also quite amazing to watch fronts of weather move in and across the skyline, dwarfing the tall buildings below.

1 comment:

  1. HOLY COW! I barely recognize the city. How many floors are there? What year is it? I want pictures of the lab!!
