Where did all those presents go? I feel so naked! |
Well, we tried to sleep in a little bit, but GC had been up since 6, lying in her bed,
desperately waiting for everyone else to get up, so she could open her gifts. CC, FC, GC and I gathered around the tree, passed each other gifts and they were open in a flash. GC is particularly adept at getting the gifts out of their cozy wrapping quickly! We then got cleaned up, had a bacon breakfast and checked out the new additions to the household.
Mini Microscope Painting |
I was very happy with my gifts and now have to figure out where the new mini-painting will go. The kids are off to their mother's at noon and we are off to Oakville for Christmas dinner with CC's parents, a sleepover, and then to Toronto to have Boxing Day with my brother and his family. Can't wait to sleep in and play with my new iPhone 4GS (a Christmas present to myself!) - post on that to follow...
Merry Fishmas! |
Merry Christmas Darling to you and CC.