Chocolate Hedgehogs from Purdy's
I took today off work, not because it's Valentine's Day, but because Monday is a holiday and I wanted an extra-long weekend. I haven't been sleeping particularly well this week so it was a bonus to have a bit of a sleep-in. CC bought some chocolates from Purdy's, in Oakville, earlier this week just for today.
Dried Cotton |
Instead of buying roses, I bought some dried stems of cotton for us to enjoy. I like how unusual they are and the fact that they will last a lot longer than roses. They were wrapped in red paper, so they definitely looked Valentines-ey!
Grilled Calamari |
CC and I aren't big celebrators of Valentine's Day, but seeing as I was home from work, we decided to go out for a nice lunch at Bin 23. It wasn't terribly busy, so it made it more intimate and we didn't have to yell over the din of the other diners. We each had a glass of white wine and shared an appetizer of grilled calamari which was served with a grilled lemon slice, arugula and olives. Delicious! We then followed up with the Rainbow Trout entree, served with perfectly grilled vegetables and sweet potato frites. There was no room for dessert, but we knew there were chocolate hedgehogs waiting at home for us. All in all, a relaxing and romantic day off.
Rainbow Trout |